Advertise With Us

GatherBay is a key resource for Jewish young adults in the East Bay and beyond, and we’d love to help you reach our highly-engaged audience.
yellow flowers on a blue background

Want to spread the word to Jewish folks across the Bay Area?

GatherBay’s website, newsletter, and Instagram are excellent platforms through which to promote events, organizations, and experiences that may interest young Jewish adults in the Bay Area — including holiday events, fellowship and leadership opportunities, scholarships, small businesses, and more. 

We offer paid advertising through our newsletter and Instagram. To purchase an ad, reach out to our Community Director, Caroline Kessler.

Our newsletter

Delivered every other Wednesday morning, our weekly newsletter reaches hundreds of people across the Bay Area, with a whopping 76% open rate and 19% click-through rate—pretty unheard of for a newsletter 😉

We take pride in knowing many of the people on our list, and having built their trust through the past two years of GatherBay’s history.

Our newsletter keeps folks in the know, with information about local Jewish events and opportunities, interviews on our rad community members, a snapshot of our calendar, news from our friends and partners, and more.

There’s a lot of awesome info in our newsletters, so a newsletter feature ad will help you stand out.

What we offer:

  • Newsletter feature ads for $36 per slot, with up to two available per newsletter. 
  • These consist of a square image, 35-45 words of ad copy, and your preferred external link for additional details or registration. 

Social Media

Our Instagram has 150 followers and is growing every day! This is an excellent way to get on people’s radar, particularly for our community members who primarily stay in touch with GatherBay on this channel (we’re looking at you, Gen Z!).

What we offer:

  • Two Instagram Stories, posted twice within one work week for $36
  • These consist of square images, your referred links, tags, and handles, as well as any image descriptions

Slight edits to content may be made to best fit the formatting and style of the GatherBay Instagram and newsletter.

Ready to get started?

Make sure you read our Advertising Policy below, and then reach out to GatherBay’s Community Director, Caroline Kessler.

Let us know which ad(s) you’re looking for and if you have any questions, and we’ll get the ball rolling!

Advertising Policy

GatherBay features events, organizations, and topics based on editorial discretion and staff capacity. For guaranteed promotion, paid advertising is available. We delineate paid content as “Sponsored” or “Paid Ad” or “Ad” on our newsletter, and social media.

The views and opinions expressed by the organizations and individuals who advertise with GatherBay do not represent those of the organization GatherBay and/or any/all contributors to GatherBay. We reserve the right to refuse or terminate advertising to any advertiser that misleads, offends, engages in or depicts hateful speech, bullying, violence, illegal activity, drug use, or excessive drinking.

GatherBay does not promote one form of Judaism over the other and does not represent or endorse any political views as an organization. We accept submissions across the spectrum of political, religious, and philosophical differences. Advertising submissions that violate our policy will be rejected.

All ads are subject to the review and approval of GatherBay staff. We reserve the sole right to request modifications to any ad, and to reject or remove any ad that does not comply with our policy.

Why do we charge for advertising?

GatherBay charges for advertising because being an impartial organization in the Bay Area Jewish ecosystem is essential to our mission. Charging for ads helps us ensure that we don’t prioritize one group, organization, event, or synagogue over the other (in addition to helping us raise much-needed funds for our organization). 

Before we charged for advertising, we had no way of discerning between which groups/events we would feature on our platforms besides who reached out and asked first and certainly could not feature them all. We felt this was not fair to our community members or the organizations we are trying to uplift. So, we include all calendar events on our website and in our newsletter free of charge as a way for organizations to promote their events fairly to community members, and we separately charge for paid advertising for more significant features.

If our listed pricing is outside of your budget, we would be more than happy to work together to come up with a price that works better for you or your organization.

With Us
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