Get Coffee

We would love to treat you to coffee (or tea!) and help get you connected to Jewish life in the Bay Area. 
Scroll to the bottom to fill out our super-short form.
See you soon, we hope!

Drinks On Us!

New to the Bay? Been living here for years, want to get involved Jewishly, and not sure where to start? Check out some answers below for how a coffee with Gather typically works.

So, what happens in a Gather coffee?

It depends on what you’re looking for, but first and foremost, we want to get to know you! We’ll probably ask you about where you’re at in your life, your connection to the Bay Area, how you spend your time, what you’re interested in, and about your journey around Jewishness or Judaism. We’re also happy to share about our background and interests.

Struggling with a personal or spiritual challenge or considering a lifecycle event? Get coffee with our Community Rabbi, who will listen and offer pastoral support.

What are some questions you might ask?

  • What are the different kinds of Jewish communities in the Bay Area? 
  • Where can I find other Jewish young adults to hang out with or go to events with?
  • I just moved here—where and how can I get involved in Jewish life?
  • How can I find more friends (or pickleball partners or hiking buddies or movie-going pals or bagel-tasting comrades)?
  • Where can I do more Jewish learning/singing/volunteer work?
  • How can I feel more connected to my Jewishness? (This can apply to you if you’re in the process of becoming Jewish!)

Of course, since every community member is different, every coffee is too! We can’t wait to hear what’s on your mind.

Let’s Get Coffee

This will help us optimize how we support you!

As close as possible. If you remember month, list first day of month and year (eg 05/01/2013). If you remember year, list first day of year (eg 1/1/2013)
Where do you live?