Spiritual Leader Zvika Krieger

What do people call me? Zvika

Organization: Chochmat HaLev

Where was I ordained? ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal

What Denomination do you affiliate with? Jewish Renewal

Where am I located? East Bay

Why did you become a spiritual leader and what do you love about Judaism?

I am a subversive ritualist and radical traditionalist who is passionate about harnessing ancient wisdom to create modern meaning, fostering mindfulness and authentic connection amidst digital distraction, and bridging the sacred and profane. I co-founded Shevet: Jewish Mindfulness Collective and have served in board and leadership positions for Sukkat Shalom/Milk+Honey camp at Burning Man, Jewish Studio Project, DC Minyan, Temple of the Stranger, Wilderness Torah, and other organizations dedicated to nourishing the mind, body, and soul.

What services do I offer?

  • Spiritual guidance/counseling
  • Conversion
  • New baby rituals (baby naming, covenant, etc.)
  • Adult B’nai Mitzvah

For more information, you can follow me on instagram, checkout Chochmat Ha Lev’s website or email me.